We will try to provide you with links that will cover just about any web developing subject and a few that are not web development related at all, just interesting. All links open in a new window for your convenience
Disclaimer:All links provided at A2ZHOST are for the convenience of our customers and visitors. We provide what we feel is true and helpful information. After leaving A2Z, via the following links, we are not responsible for where your travels may lead you. We do not have any control over these sites. If you find that any of the following links contain other links to sites that are offensive or contain offensive material, please contact us with this information. We will investigate and remove the link that is involved.
We will update this area on a regular basis, as time permits. If you have any additional links to other informational sites, that you feel would be helpful to help our customers or visitors, please submit the link & info to our Webmaster. Also if you find any dead links, please drop our webmaster a note. Sites move or close from time to time and we will do our best to weed out or update the dead links on a regular basis.
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Stop by Steve Gibson's web site. The Shields Up section is a "MUST VISIT" to become more aware and educated in internet security for you and your computer. A2Z highly recommends that you visit Steve Gibson's web site!
In the Shields Up section Steve can alert you to the vulnerability of your windows based personal computer to attacks by hackers and intruders and it is completely free. It is a real eye opener and Steve also gives evaluations of firewall software that is available to make your personal computer secure and safe from intruders. One of the most powerful protection firewalls is free!
Ad-Aware by lavasoft is a great free little tool that everyone should have. Lavasoft's Ad-aware is a free multi spyware removal utility, that scans your memory, registry and hard drives for known spyware components and lets you remove them safely. It is very fast and provides many optional settings. Ad-aware comes with English, German, French and Dutch language resources. Lavasoft also offers a Ad-aware plus version, that includes Ad-watch, a realtime spyware-monitor, watching your memory and registry for spyware that tries to install or change your system.
Table of Contents for our resources
This area contains links to web sites and pages having to do with business, web site creation and web building information. This information is divided into the following categories:
Informational and Opportunity Web Sites
Unix Platform Informational Links.
Information Directories.
NT Platform Informational Links.
Useful Unix & NT Newsgroups.
Browser Downloads and Update Links.
Email Client software & Info Links.
FTP Client downloads & Links.
Learn about Perl scripting.
Microsoft FrontPage Add-ons.
Web Authoring Software Programs & Database Creation Software Links.
Learn HTML Links.
Web Site Design Related
Web Site Hosting Related
CGI & Java Resources Links.
Web Site Enhancement Tool Sites.
Web Related Informational Links.
Internet Promotion Marketing and Consulting.
Web Art & Images.
PICS Internet Ratings Links.
Image Creation & Compression Software.
Freeware & Shareware Software Links.
Online Software and Book Stores.
Computer Component Price Comparison Sites.
E-commerce Shopping Cart Software.
Securing your own Secure Site Certificate.
E-commerce Payment Processing Solutions.
Business Services and Informational
Misc. Software & Utilities Links.
Office Supplies