phpMyAdmin MySQL Database Management Tool
Currently phpMyAdmin can:
- create and drop databases
- create, copy, drop and alter tables
- delete, edit and add fields
- execute any SQL-statement, even batch-queries
- manage keys on fields
- load text files into tables
- create (*) and read dumps of tables
- export (*) and import data to CSV values
- administer multiple servers and single databases
- check referential integrity
- create complex queries automatically connecting required tables
- create PDF graphics of your Database layout
- communicate in more than 41 different languages
(*) phpMyAdmin can compress (Zip, GZip -RFC 1952- or Bzip2 formats) dumps and CSV exports if you use PHP4 >= 4.0.4 with Zlib support (--with-zlib) and/or Bzip2 support (--with-bz2).